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AdderLink X50
VGA/USB KVM console extender over CATx (165 feet) with dual-access, high quality single- or dual-video, (optional serial) and digital stereo audio
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1) AdderLink X50 Model No. X50-US
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2) AdderLink X50 MultiScreen Model No. X50-MS2-US
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VGA, fully transparent low/full-speed USB and audio KVM extenders
with high quality single- or dual-video, (optional serial) and 44.1kHz digital stereo audio, over a single CATx cable
AdderLink X50 is a link transparent USB and high performance video extender that delivers bright, sharp, high quality video at up to 1920x1200 together with 44.1kHz digital stereo audio over a single CATx cable.
AdderLink X50 has been designed for use in applications where a computer can have its USB peripherals including keyboards and mouse (and other USB peripherals such as graphics tablets and USB drives), high quality video and audio control extended up to 165 feet across CAT5 or higher UTP cable.
AdderLink X50 uses Adder's unique USB extension technology to extend USB transparently up to 165 ft. AdderLink X50 provides sharp, bright and ultra high-resolution video over a VGA interface and ensures total USB compatibility regardless of the computer being controlled or the peripheral being extended.
To ensure maximum video performance, AdderLink X50 allows very smooth and fine picture adjustments to be made.
For maximum flexibility, local control of extended computers through a local video and audio output at the transmitter unit is also possible.
AdderLink X50 provides true Display Data Channel (DDC) emulation, ensuring all possible resolutions are supported and the video card is always perfectly set up.
AdderLink X50 is platform independent and is desk, shelf or rack mountable for added flexibility, up to 16 units can be fitted into a 2U frame for rack mount applications.
AdderLink X50-MultiScreen adds a second video and transparent, high speed RS232 up to baud rates of 19200. This extra functionality adds to the diverse range of solutions for which the AdderLink X50 can be utilized including the extension of computers with dual monitors and allow it to be used in touch screen and interactive kiosk applications.