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Virtual sensors (pack of 5 sensors)
A virtual sensor is a software based sensor (not a physical entity that plugs into a port). It exists only in the virtual world.
SP1+Pro and the SP2+Pro come with 5 free virtual sensors included.
SPX+ comes with 10 free virtual sensors included.
A maximum of 80 virtual sensors are supported.
Virtual sensors are also available on AKCpro Server software.
Virtual Sensors Examples
• Ping virtual sensor - pings an IP address or web address and return a status of online or offline, allowing you to monitor if the appliance or website is live or not.
• Modbus TCP/IP virtual sensor - retrieves values from a third party modbus device that supports Modbus TCP/IP.
• Modbus RS485 - retrieves values from a third party modbus device that supports Modbus RS485.
• Arithmetic type - allows you to combine several sensor values in some mathematical operations. For example, if you have 10 temperature sensors and you want the average value of them, you can tell the virtual sensor to take the value of all these sensors, add them together and divide by 10. You could also add together power meters to get total current or kWh being used, you may want to subtract one value from another. In the case of your current project, dew point is a virtual sensor, this is a value derived by a formula that utilizes the temperature and humidity values as an input.
• Boolean type - takes in several sensor values and output a status. For example, you may say that you want that virtual sensor to be critical only when a specific combination of other sensor inputs are critical. So say virtual sensor is critical only if temperature AND humidity are both critical. If only temperature is critical and humidity is normal or vice versa, then the virtual sensors status would be normal also.
• SNMP GET - performs an SNMP get on another device to retrieve a value.