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AV (audio/video) over IP [AVoIP] manager for KDS-7 series
over 1G network
• Outstanding end-user experience
• Ideal for large-scale deployments
• Robust security
• Simple planning and rollout
Get a full AVoIP streaming solution for anywhere low-latency, high-quality video presentation is required.
KDS-7-MNGR is the solution for configuration and management of KDS-7 deployments within the same network. Simply install the unit into the same local network as the extenders (encoders and decoders) to easily define and configure channel routing selections (including video, audio, and a variety of control interface types) using the embedded web pages.
Additionally, this unit supports controlling and configuring the matrix, video wall, and KVM modes of connected KDS-7 devices as well as device grouping and group operations.
The settings of all connected encoder/decoder units, including IP configuration, compatibility settings, and extender status are clearly displayed and easily updated.
The KDS-7 line comprises a full range of encoders and decoders, supports up to 1000 video sources, enables simple and fast deployment, and easily scales to suit any size network AV installation.
Delivering a superb user experience, enterprise IT-grade security and advanced yet intuitive management, KDS-7 is a perfect fit for enterprise, education, homeland security, military or government sites of any size.
Outstanding End-User Experience
• Instant auto-discovery and status with preview
• Access via remote Web UI or using local monitor with a USB keyboard and mouse
Ideal for Multiple Device Deployments
• Manages 120 encoders and decoders
• Configuration of virtual video matrix, KVM, and video walls
• Configuration of device grouping, preset definition, and activation via UI or APIs
Robust Security
• Enterprise IT-grade security - KDS-7 devices comply with IT security requirements, including 802.1x and HTTP-S/TLS
• Security certification - All devices carry OWASP Top 10 certification for web application security
• Can be deployed in the same LAN used for AV data streaming or in a separate LAN
Simple Planning and Rollout
• Cost-effective from day one - Plug-and-play integration with leading IP network switches, such as Netgear M4250 series, enable deployment in a wide variety of network topologies. There is no need to deal with complex IP packets prioritization or switching setting. Offering easy management, high reliability and adjustable bandwidth control, KDS-7 is extremely cost-effective to maintain over the long term.
• Full product range for any site, any application - The comprehensive KDS-7 line spans encoders, decoders and auto-switcher encoders in a choice of rack and wall-plate form factors, as well as a dedicated manager device. The broad set of products within the KDS-7 product line allows quick and cost-effective rollout of AV-enabled spaces of all forms and size. The eight different KDS-7 devices can be combined in any way, with any quantity of decoders, according to the site needs.
• Plug-and-play with Netgear M4250 AVoIP switches, Kramer Control, KDS-USB2, etc.