PS/2 Adapters - KVMGalore® | Tech Solutions Made Easy™
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PS/2 Adapters

Add USB (under Keyboard/Mouse Interface) to your filter to find adapters with PS/2 connector(s) on one side and USB connector on the other side. Check out the results for gender compatibility with your requirement. Exclude USB from your filter to find PS/2 to PS/2 adapters.

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USB–PS/2 converters allow using a USB keyboard/mouse to control a legacy PS/2 computer or PS/2 KVM switch or extender, and vice versa

USB-PS/2 Converters

Starting at $55.79 view

USB-PS/2 adapters and converters provide the means for connecting a PS/2 keyboard/mouse to a USB port on a computer or a KVM switch, or vice versa

PS/2 to USB Adapters and Converters

Starting at $12.75 view

PS/2 - USB adapters allow using PS/2-compatible mice and keyboards on computers equipped with a USB port and vice versa

PS/2 - USB Adapters

Starting at $4.99 view

Aadapters and cable/adapters from USB to micro-USB, DB9, ATA or IDE Serial, Parallel (for printing), PS/2 (for keyboard/mouse conversion)

USB Adapters

Starting at $2.45 view

DVI, VGA, Sun 13W3, PS/2 adapters and gender-changers


Starting at $4.46 view

USB to PS/2 and USB to Sun adapters; USB to USB straight and articulating adapters and gender-changers

USB Adapters

Starting at $17.46 view
