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Secure, 16-port multiview DisplayPort* and/or HDMI* KVM switch
for displaying video from 16 computers on one (or two) screens
Vertiv™ Cybex™ MultiViewer KVM switch provides full windowing capability, with each target PC displayed in a separate window and all-on-one (or two) monitor/display. With a dual console-screen, Vertiv Cybex MultiViewer KVM switch provides the user access of up to 16 computers either on single or dual monitors.
Vertiv Cybex secure MultiViewer KVM switch is ideal for environments where monitoring and managing of multiple active computers, covering various degrees of secure data is required.
Through cursor navigation switching (CNS), users have the flexibility to manage and monitor their data by simply holding down the left CTRL key and moving their mouse across window borders.
Offering a dual head output, the MultiViewer enables the user to monitor up to 16 computers on dual displays. Through the use of an all new video port, SCMV2160DPH accepts either an HDMI or DisplayPort connector cable.
Designed for the latest Common Criteria Protection Profile for Peripheral Sharing Devices version 4.0, which defines security parameters for the most up to date technology in a secure KVM switch. The MultiViewer meets or exceeds these requirements with the following capabilities:
• Unidirectional Optical Data Diodes (UODD) - Data can only flow in one direction
• Protected Video Display Emulators - Eliminates potential data leakage from display to computer
• Tamper-Evident Labels- Ensures hardware has not been compromised
Cybex MultiViewer provides users flexibility when it comes to video connection and screen layout:
• Universal Video Port - Supports DisplayPort, HDMI or DVI-D connections
• MultiViewer Cascading - Control and view content from many sources in a cascading mode
Features and Benefits
• Designed for Common Criteria Protection Profile for Peripheral Sharing Device (PSD) v.4.0
• Universal video connectors - Supports either HDMI or DisplayPort on the same physical video input port (DVI-D supported with HDMI-to-DVI-D cable)
• Unidirectional data flow of keyboard, mouse, and video
• Isolated switch ports provide discrete processing paths to each computer
• Native video support up to Ultra-HD 4K at 30 Hz
• Flexible screen/window layout options with zero lag
• Secure KVM switching allows for simultaneous interaction with multiple computers from different security classifications on a single or dual display
• Cursor Navigation Switching (CNS) seamlessly transitions keyboard and mouse control between computers when holding down the left CTRL key and moving the cursor across window borders
• Touch screen support (requires a Secure USB HID Filter - see listing below)
• Eliminate the need for multiple hardware resources, such as monitors, keyboards, mice, and cables
• Ease of setup and use
• Multi-colored button LEDs for enhanced channel identification
• View information on a single or dual display from multiple, isolated computers
• Dual head display capabilities give the user visibility to data on two monitors in duplicate or extended screen mode
• Provides flexible multiple screen layout options for users; Tile, Scale, PIP or custom
• Universal video connectors to support DisplayPort, HDMI, and DVI-D
• Tamper-evident holographic labels prevents hardware from being compromised
• Enhances ability to multitask by keeping multiple critical systems in the user's field of vision
• Vertiv™ patented keyboard lock status indication
In the Box
1x SCMV2160DPH switch
1x Power cord
• Cables are not included
Required Cables (per port)
1x DisplayPort KVM Cable or HDMI KVM Cable
1x DisplayPort, male-male or HDMI, male-male
1x USB, Type-A to Type-B (for keyboard/mouse)
* Notes
1) Each connected computer's video interface may be either HDMI or DisplayPort.
2) One computer may use an HDMI video connection to the switch while another computer may use a DisplayPort video connection.
3) Only one video connection per computer is supported.
4) Connected monitors may have either HDMI or DisplayPort video connection.
5) Only one video connection to one monitor is supported on each of the two console video ports.