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PFS-100UN: Detect power outages
get alerted if city power fails and your gear is running on the UPS (with universal power supply)
Power failure sensor plugs into a standard outlet, alerting you when city power is lost, so you know how long the UPS has been on. This sensor connects to the port on the Watchdog environment monitoring device.
Power failure sensor is an analog sensor that enables a Watchdog climate monitor to detect line voltage and send an alert through email or SNMP trap if power is lost. This provides time to either restore power or properly shutdown the system before backup power is fully utilized.
A wall transformer powers the sensor and allows the power failure sensor to detect city power. Status LEDs in the sensor's plastic enclosure provide a visual indication that power is detected.
A pair of signal wires are attached to the sensor. These wires are used to connect the power failure sensor to a Watchdog climate monitor.
Power failure sensor consists of a wall transformer-style power supply, the plastic enclosure with status LEDs and signal wires for connecting to a Watchdog climate monitor.
Connecting to a Watchdog
Since the power failure sensor is an analog sensor it can connect directly to the Analog Input terminals of the Watchdog climate monitor. If the model of climate monitor either doesn't have analog inputs or they are all being used, then a A2D analog-to-digital interface will allow you to attach a power failure sensor to a digital sensor port.
Alarm thresholds can be configured on the Alarm page of the Watchdog. With the appropriate thresholds the Watchdog will send you an alert if power is lost, through email or by SNMP trap.
Features and Benefits
• Used to detect a power outage and send alerts
• Input voltage range: 100 - 240 VAC
• Connects to a Watchdog via analog input or A2D
• Status LEDs indicate system state
Note: An A2D is required to connect an analog sensor to Watchdog environment monitors that only have digital ports.